Always Connect is your all in one affordable way to connect to the World Wide Web without any mobile data, airtime or hardware. Always Connect has over 2200 WiFi hot spots situated all over South Africa which means that we have you covered. Whether you are at the airport, in a hotel, restaurants or sitting at home you are guaranteed a safe and secure connection for all your internet needs. No data, airtime or hardware is needed just simply step into one of our many WiFi hot spots nationwide and you can start browsing the internet, checking your mail your finding out what is happening in the social world.
WiFi is a way to connect to the internet from your laptop, smartphone and other devices without any plugs and wires, which is also a much cheaper way to connect rather than using cellular data.
With Always Connect we have a broad network across the country, and globally too (with our partner networks) in most of the locations you already hang out in. This means that you automatically have internet access whenever you’re connected via WiFi on your device with Always Connect. In order to connect with Always Connect, simply turn Wifi on, on your device, look out for the “AlwaysOn” option and sign in with your Always Connect details. You can also download the AlwaysOn WiFi App for an automated experience.
Always Connect abides by the Terms and Conditions stipulated on the Always On website and will enforce any necessary actions in the case that these terms and conditions are not adhered too.
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